Sunday, 23 January 2011

Now I am 2

 This has been a special month for me because I became 2 years old on 11th January! This means that I am officially grown up and sensible ..... well, just grown up then!

I had the best day ever. It started with a special breakfast with bits of chicken and bacon in it. 

I was really desperate to have it, but Owner still made me sit and wait before I was allowed to eat it (you'd think on my birthday I'd have special dispensation not to sit wouldn't you?!).

I went to the park & had a brilliant run & play with my frizbee and ball.
I even had some mud highlights done for the occasion which you might be able to see in the photo on the right!

Then we went to visit Mum & Dad. 

I got this present from Owner. I loved it, but noticed there was a fault as it had no bum-hole. 

In the photo below you can see I made a bum-hole so it could poo out the fluffy stuff. It had 2 squeaks - 1 in the tummy & 1 in the head. The 1 in the head sounded like a duck (yes, the use of the past tense tells you that it broke!). Another defective toy!

Mum & Dad also gave me a toy. It's a Wiggly Giggly and it has a  giggle squeak if you shake it. I really liked getting the packaging off, but Owner likes this one a lot more than I do - she thinks it will last longer than most of my toys! The squeak doesn't come out of this 1. (Funnily enough, this 1 has never been put in toy prison!)

When we got home you can tell I prefer the soft toy, but unfortunately by this time it's head had broken too!

Then my Owner's friend came to see me and gave me a raw hide hoop. I loved it!

I also had lots of lovely messages from all my furiends on Twitter, and some extra special pictures from BordercollieX, TeaganTheDog, and AnnieBella021. 

 After a such busy day I was really tired, and ended it tucked up in my comfy duvet.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Millie's New Year Twitawards

As it's traditional in the UK for Her Majesty the Queen to announce New Year Honour Awards to people for special things they have done, it made me think about who might be given awards on Twitter.
Everyfur is a worthy winner of an award for something or other, but this year's awards are as follows:

Most Promising Youngster
GundogCoco. Coco is an enthusiastic young pup who is keen to learn all things gundog and can't wait to start trials. If her skills match her enthusiasm she will be excellent! She has good connections as she is lucky enough to have met urbangundog!

Poet Laureate-rrier
Oz_theTerrier wins this one paws down with his poems and limericks on his blog. His wit and humour are entertaining for everyfur. Oscar is also awarded Tech Support Dog as he is very pawtient and helpful with those of us who are struggling to get our paws going in the right direction with the modern gadgets and gizmos.

Law Enforcement Dog of the Year

is the only contender for this one, keeping us all on the straight and narrow, and training up new young pups in the ways of the the law. Keep up the good work!

Environmental Awareness
Missy_Moo_JRT receives this for her inventive ways of saving space as illustrated by her alternative sleeping arrangement in her basket. When it is wet and muddy outside Missy is very brown-pawed, which I believe is the equivalent of humans being green-fingered.

Bionic Dog of the Year
Whisper_K9 has actually been operated on by the BionicVet so who knows what super-powers he possesses. When he has had his final operation watch out - he'll be zipping around like nobody's business!

Best Ears of the Year
This is awarded to DavidsBestMate who can put on his "good boy ears" to get out of any tricky situation! (He also has pretty good teeth as any toy or food item will know!).

Services for Charity
I know many of you work tirelessly to raise money for charity, but this year's award goes to frugaldougal for his hard work (along with many others) in running paw-pawty events in aid of good causes.

DJ (Dog-Jockey) of the Year
This one goes to Dogstoyevsky who is expert at music matters. Lexie is known to keep furs rocking on the dance-paw at many a paw-pawty. She has recently started a music related blog called The Chain, where followers choose a song with a link to the previous song chosen. 

Sportsdog of the Year
For his dedicated services to the Olympic Woogling Team (#OWT2012) Utterdogwash deserves this one!

Most Misunderstood
To be honest, this could go to anyone of us, but the number of times Monty_The_Dane is mistaken for a horse gives him the edge.

This award has to go to Marleyterrier as he spends countless hours supervising from his office (AKA the beanbag). His selfless commitment to the beanbag is second to none. He is currently supervising his typist who is going to run 1000 miles this year to raise money for the Dogs Trust.

Most Athletic Dog
TeagantheDog has is always out and about. She is known for flushing out pheasants in her locality. She has been caught on camera literally flying through the air which demonstrates her athletic ability. No wonder she keeps in good shape. 

Most Hungry Dog of the Year
Urbangundog is always hungry! Any time - day or night. Is his real name UrbanHungryDog? Also awarded to UGD is the Most Confused (as he has  *ahem* "mistaken" a few chaps and even Deputy Boss' head for a lady). He does, however, also receive the Most Handsome & Shiniest Coat awards.

Bravest Dog of the Year
Baxter_man has endured the nasty earth shakes in Christchurch, New Zealand. He has shown great courage and even when his wag didn't work he made sure his sisfur and humans felt safe. Baxter also is in line for the Most Determined Dog of the Year after his repeated attempts to break into the kitchen fridge, using his dog-initiative he made the most of the earth shakes as a cover when trying to break into the fridge using explosives! Sadly his attempts to gain entry to the fridge failed!

Most Crafty Dog of the Year
AnnieBella021 is awarded this for her hard work designing and making cards to celebrate special occasions. She is also know for her glamourous outfits and poses to feature in the photos displaying the paw-made cards. Annie also is awarded Endurance of the year award as she has put up with lots of needle teeth from pup Maisie. Annie's sleeping arrangements have been severely disrupted due to the young pup!

Well done to everyfur. Keep up the good work in 2011!