Sunday, 23 January 2011

Now I am 2

 This has been a special month for me because I became 2 years old on 11th January! This means that I am officially grown up and sensible ..... well, just grown up then!

I had the best day ever. It started with a special breakfast with bits of chicken and bacon in it. 

I was really desperate to have it, but Owner still made me sit and wait before I was allowed to eat it (you'd think on my birthday I'd have special dispensation not to sit wouldn't you?!).

I went to the park & had a brilliant run & play with my frizbee and ball.
I even had some mud highlights done for the occasion which you might be able to see in the photo on the right!

Then we went to visit Mum & Dad. 

I got this present from Owner. I loved it, but noticed there was a fault as it had no bum-hole. 

In the photo below you can see I made a bum-hole so it could poo out the fluffy stuff. It had 2 squeaks - 1 in the tummy & 1 in the head. The 1 in the head sounded like a duck (yes, the use of the past tense tells you that it broke!). Another defective toy!

Mum & Dad also gave me a toy. It's a Wiggly Giggly and it has a  giggle squeak if you shake it. I really liked getting the packaging off, but Owner likes this one a lot more than I do - she thinks it will last longer than most of my toys! The squeak doesn't come out of this 1. (Funnily enough, this 1 has never been put in toy prison!)

When we got home you can tell I prefer the soft toy, but unfortunately by this time it's head had broken too!

Then my Owner's friend came to see me and gave me a raw hide hoop. I loved it!

I also had lots of lovely messages from all my furiends on Twitter, and some extra special pictures from BordercollieX, TeaganTheDog, and AnnieBella021. 

 After a such busy day I was really tired, and ended it tucked up in my comfy duvet.


  1. Burfdays are great, altho I av only had one! I too had that purple toy and it fell apart. Yoos other one looks like it will last ages!
    Do yoo like bing two Millie? I will be 2 in July, and I worry I will be all grown up and more sensible then i is now. Mum finks not much chance of that! xxx

  2. What an excellent birthday! Does being 2 mean you're an "adult" dig now?!? I hope that doesn't mean you have to start behaving! What would be the fun in that!
    xxx Oz

  3. Wot a bizy day! I finks to meself its qwite a shame your toys dun braking so qwickly but I's pleezed you's had fun! Happy berfdie. Luffs David x

  4. Hiya Millie, Woof we're the same age now!! But I'm gonna be 3 in April.. it definitely doesn't mean you have to be sensible though! Maybe a little bit more sensible than when you were a wee pup, but only a bit!

  5. Oh Millie, i am sorry i did miss your burfdee but I send you late smooch now *smooch*
